
A simple Testing and Optimizing code made for Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Digital Camp "Frontend Web Developer" path practice.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


A simple Progressive Web Apps made for Indosat Ooredoo Hutchison Digital Camp "Frontend Web Developer" path practice.

NOTE: I staged this project into two different section, this one, and MovieCatalogue check it before this one.

In this stage, I created the Unit test, end-to-end test for some scenario. I also did some optimization like lazy-load image, different image dimensions for different screen sizes, split chunks, adding meta tag, and etc.

Key Points

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In this project I've learned and implemented some key factors like:

  • Pengenalan Kelas : Menjelaskan tentang pentingnya membuat website yang optimal untuk diakses oleh berbagai perangkat, khususnya smartphone yang mendominasi pengguna internet.
  • Mobile First Approach : Memahami pendekatan mobile-first, serta belajar membangun website yang responsif menggunakan CSS Grid System, Media Query, dan Off Screen Canvas melalui pendekatan Mobile First.
  • Aksesibilitas : Belajar aspek aksesibilitas web seperti focus, semantic HTML, tab order, label, alternative teks, serta penggunaan screen reader agar website yang dikembangkan dapat diakses oleh siapa pun.
  • JavaScript Clean Code : Belajar prinsip-prinsip penulisan kode JavaScript berdasarkan acuan buku Clean Code yang ditulis oleh senior software engineer Robert C. Martin.
  • Progressive Web Apps : Belajar membuat website yang progressive sehingga website memiliki sifat native seperti installable, offline capability, dan lainnya.
  • Automation Testing : Belajar penerapan testing seperti Unit Test, Integration Test, dan End to End Test pada website yang dibuat, serta belajar menggunakan DevTools untuk debugging.
  • Web Performance : Belajar menggunakan web auditor untuk mengetahui sejauh mana performa website yang dibuat, dan mengoptimalkan performa website berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh.
  • Deployment dengan CI/CD: Belajar menerapkan teknik Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment untuk melakukan proses testing dan build secara otomatis sehingga aplikasi dapat diakses secara publik.

How to run

  • Clone this directory by typing git clone https://github.com/AndyNotfound/MovieCatalogueTest.git.
    NOTE: alternatively you can do the ssh version
  • Change your working directory by punching cd MovieCatalogueTest on the keyboard, like literally.
  • Install all depedencies like how we usually roll npm i. behold, the JavaScript way.
    NOTE: if you're using yarn or whatever, figure it out, kay?
  • Run one of the following commands below, based on your need and goal:
    • Development: npm run start-dev
    • Build: npm run build
      NOTE: this will create a build folder dist which you can serve to your local production server or you can serve it on local by typing npm run serve.
    • Unit Test: npm run test
    • End-to-end Test: npm run e2e

User Interface Preview

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