
Expenses Next.js App

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Expenses Next.js App

This is a Next.js project to track expenses.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

First, install all dependencies:

npm install
# or

Second, run the development server:

npm run dev
# or
yarn dev

Open http://localhost:3000 with your browser to see the result.

Learn More

To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:

You can check out the Next.js GitHub repository - your feedback and contributions are welcome!

Project Structure

├── README.md
├── assets                        # Assets - icons, ...
│   ├── [...]
├── components                    # Global Reusable Components
│   ├── bootstrap [...]           # Bootstrap React Components and related SCSS imports
│   ├── expenses [...]            # Expenses Form and Table Listing
│   ├── form [...]                # Form Fields wrapped for react-final-form
│   └── table [...]               # Headless Table
├── container                     # Unstated container
│   ├── CurrenciesContainer.js    # Currencies fetched from openexchangerates.org
│   └── ExpensesContainer.js      # Expenses fetched from local API
├── next.config.js                # Next Config
├── node_modules
│   ├── [...]
├── package.json
├── package-lock.lock
├── pages                         # All public routes
│   ├── api/v1/expenses           # Expenses RESTful API
│   ├── _app.js                   # Custom App
│   └── index.js                  # Index Route
├── utils                         # Utilities
│   ├── fetch.js                  # Fetch with retry and network and server error handling
└── [...]                         # Various rc files



Global state is managed with unstated.

Headless Components

Interface Logic of react-final-form and react-table are used to drive the UI state.

react-bootstrap and bootstrap are used to visually display the UI.


next-i18next is used to utilize i18next and react-i18next for internationalisation.

Client-side Validation

Built-in HTML5 Form Validation is implemented by utilizing react-final-form-html5-validation.


RESTful APIs are consumed with fetch, network and 5xx errors may be mitigated with fetch-retry.


For client-side logging the web console API is used.


JavaScript, SCSS

JavaScript and SCSS is linted and autoformatted by prettier.

Git Commit Messages

This project utilizes commitlint to enforce Conventional Commits.


Basic configuration for various editors is provided by an editorconfig file.


Git Hooks

We use husky and lintstaged to enforce those styleguide rules for each commit.