private beta:
- advice for all new work
- how to get involved improving the system
- learning what works - to meet people needs
- designers first
exploring ideas for an HM Land Registry design system
- what do people need, and who are they?
- what content do we need?
- how do we build it?
- whats the best way to organise it?
designers = service, interaction, content, graphic
as a designer working on tools for caseworkers I want to be able to make a prototype that enables us to maximise learning from caseworkers
as a designer working on tools for professionals using HM Land Registry services I want to be able to make a prototype that enables us to maximise learning from them
as a front end developer building tools for caseworkers i want to build with proven, working code
as a tester, testing services, products and tools, I want to ensure whats built works as expected and meets the right standards
as a project team member (eg product, BA, etc) I want to be assured that common problems users have are being solved by proven solutions
as a new staff designer joining a team i want to be able to create designs as quickly and robustly as possible using my existing skills
to enable quality assurance and legal compliance (head of design, design seniors, product, staff, laywers) I want to see what designs exist to solve common problems, such as quality, consistency, accessibilty, data protection - so I can be assured, and ask questions
as a user researcher working with the public, legal professionals and caseworkers, i want to be able to maximise usability testing and learning, and feedback insights that helps improve designs
at an assessment, healthcheck, or review - the team - want to be able to assure people that proven practice and designs are being followed
this repo is a clone of HMLR GOV.UK Prototype Kit with form validation
which is a copy of the GOV.UK prototype kit, version 9.6.0, with form validation.
we are staring with this because - its a running node app that we are familiar with, and other staff designers should be familiar with. So we can quickly test the ideas/what we need to do to make a coded proto, and discover if this would meet our needs, or if we should do something else.
THIS IS NOT PRODUCTION CODE - although it's good, we wouldn't build it like this for real.