
Creates transcriptions from audio, video and YouTube videos

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT


Transcribe is a Flask server app that uses a combination of FFMpeg, yt-dlp (a fork of youtube-dl), and Whisper.cpp (https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp) to create a transcription of audio (wav,mp3, etc), video(mp4, mkv, etc) and YouTube videos.

The transcription can be viewed and listened to within a generated webpage, and for YouTube vidoes a side-by-side player is shown. The playback is matched to the transcription (see screenshots).


Main Screen

Playback screen


Note - this has been developed and tested on an M1 Mac. It should work on other systems but your mileage may vary.

Python 3.10 - other versions may also work ffmpeg (https://ffmpeg.org/download.html) - Required to convert to 16bit mono audio whisper.cpp (https://github.com/ggerganov/whisper.cpp)


Install above dependancies

  • FFMpeg needs to be sym-linked or copied into the server/instance folder as ffmpeg

(I'm be working on seeing if I can dynamically do this and maybe create a binding wrapper to directly integrate).

Setup using Docker - Currently not working

This is the simplest and quickest way to get started. BUT it is quite slow

Install Docker (or compatible alternative)
Run docker compose build docker compose up

This will download and setup everything in a local container, and start the server.

It maps the data and instance folders to volumes locally so when the container is re-created you don't lose any previous transcriptions

You can then access it using http://localhost:8080

Setup for running locally on your machine

There is a setup.sh script provided that will do most of the work but you still need to manually install ffmpeg first.

Setup automatically (mostly) ./setup.sh This will setup the Flask server, creating the virtual environment, install dependancies, create necessary folders and database, builds and installs whisper, and downloads the whisper model (base).

You still need to manually install ffpeg.

Setup Manually

Install the Flask backend server

   python3 -m venv venv
. ./venv/bin/activate
pip3 install --upgrade pip```

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

mkdir ./data ./data/waiting ./data/inprogress ./data/done 
mkdir ./3rdparty ./3rdparty/models

python3 -m scripts.init-db

wget --quiet --show-progress -O 3rdparty/models/ggml-base.bin https://huggingface.co/datasets/ggerganov/whisper.cpp/resolve/main/ggml-base.bin

You still need to manually install ffpeg and whisper.


To Start, simply run run.sh This will start the Flask server

Then access it using http://localhost:8080


This was inspired by David Smith's (https://mastodon.social/@_Davidsmith) PodSearch (https://podsearch.david-smith.org), and Web-Whisper (https://github.com/pluja/web-whisper)

Thanks to Georgi Gerganov (@ggerganov) for Whisper.cpp, plus also the teams at FFMpeg and and YT-DLP/YouTube Downloader.