
rewrite the front end with angular 1.5

Primary LanguageHTML


This single page chat application demonstrates how to use socket.io with angular 1.5 framework. This application has following features:

  1. Angular 1.5 component-based application structure:

    UI is wraped into a component: chat-window, which includes view (/chat-window.html) and controller implementation.

  2. Event-based bi-directional communication layer with socket.io

    Socket.io is a realtime library, which provieds emit() function to send message to server, and on() function to listen message from server.

    Notice that we wrap socket.on callback in $rootScope.$apply. This tells AngularJS that it needs to check the state of the application and update the templates if there was a change after running the callback passed to it, so that Angular can update the view chat-window accordingly.

  3. Store business data and logic in service

    The service Messager provide a public method GetMessages to exposure the internal object: _messages, so the model $ctrl.messages in controller of chat-window use _messages as data store. When socket receives message, and push the message to data store _messages, the model $ctrl.messages in chat-window will be updated automaticaly.

    This feature helps to create a loose-coupled application, and the component and service could be reused in different applications.


  1. git clone the responsitory
  2. cd chat-example
  3. npm install
  4. npm start

Test the application

  1. Open multiple browser tabs and connect to localhost:3000;
  2. Input a message in any chat window and click button *Send; (Empty message will be ignored.)
  3. All clients will receive the message.