
Primary LanguageSvelteMIT LicenseMIT

Open in Visual Studio Code

CSC648-848 Repository

Please do the following steps right after this repository is created.

  1. The following steps must be done by the team lead or the github master.

  2. Replace the username of this repository by your team number. Use the following format TNN where NN is the two digits of your team number. For instance, T03 for team 3.

  3. Add ALL members of your team to this repository. For it to count, they must ACCEPT the invite. The team lead or/and Github master are the only members of the team that can have admin permissions for this repository.

  4. Fill out the table below. Note that roles are not yet defined for members of the team, they can be added later on. However, the fields of "Student name", "Student Email", and "Github Username" are mandatory to be completed the same day the repository is created.

Student Name Student Email GitHub Username Role
Jose Avila javila6@mail.sfsu.edu H0esway19 Team Lead
Andy Shi ashi2@mail.sfsu.edu AndyShi1010 Frontend Lead
Leo Saeteurn lsaeteurn@mail.sfsu.edu Lsaeteurn Backend Lead
Nishit Pachchigar npachchigar@mail.sfsu.edu NishitPachchigar Github Master
Joshua Hayes jhayes10@sfsu.edu jhayes23 Database Master
Gautami Kollolu Srinivasa gkollolusrinivasa@sfsu.edu gautamigudla Document Editor
  1. All the team members must sign the team contract found here. Missing signatures from students will result in these students being dropped from the course since this means that they disagree with the policies and terms needed to work in a term environment.

  2. Please when ready, add your application's name and URL or IP to the following table. It is the responsability of the team lead to keep this up to date

Name of the Project URL of the Project
Piqued http://ec2-18-224-63-127.us-east-2.compute.amazonaws.com:4000

NO code needs to be stored in the root of your repository. You may rename the application folder if you like to your team's application name. But all source code related to your team's application should be stored inside the application folder.