
Searcher is a jQuery plugin which allows users to select multiple items from a list, using autocompletion as they type.


A multipurporse jQuery tagging and autocomplete text entry menu.


Searcher is a jQuery plugin which allows users to create a list of tags from three different methods:

  1. Text entry,
  2. Local search results, or
  3. Search results generated by a server side sript.

The second and third options require data in the form of jSon.



Local search results specified, with grouping and search term highlighting enabled.


Initialise the plugin

<script type="text/javascript" src="https://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.5.1/jquery.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.searcher.js"></script>
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="jquery.searcher.css" />

<script type="text/javascript">
$(document).ready(function () {
    $("#searcher").searcher( options go here );

Data Options

When passing data for selected iems or search results into Searcher, the following format is used:

        "id": val
        , "name": val

For example,

	{"id":1,name:"Susan Foreman"}
	,{"id":2,name:"Barbara Wright"}

In addition, there are optional fields for Search Results and Selected Items.

Selected items

"delete": true | false

Allows the specified item to be deleted, e.g. the delete button is displayed

When not used, Searcher defaults to true.

For example,

	{"id":1,name:"Rose Tyler", "delete":"false"}

Search Results

When specifed AND the option resultsGrouping is set to true, search results will be grouped by the value specied in groupname

"groupname": <stringval>

For example:

	{group:'2nd Doctor',id:1,name:'Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart'}
	,{group:'3rd Doctor',id:2,name:'Liz Shaw'}

Configuation Options

Searcher allows configuration when the plugin is initialised and through the method settings. Options are passed in the form of a jSon array.

option description Example
minchars The number of characters that must be entered before a search will be performed. Default: 2. $("searcher").searcher({michars:5});
searchDelay The delay in milliseconds before a search is carried out after typing finishes. Default: 500. $("searcher").searcher({searchDelay:250});
prePopulate jSON array of items to prepopulate searcher with with data, e.g. Default:null. $("searcher").searcher({prePopulate:[{id:1, name:'Hartnell'}, {id:2, name:'Troughton'}]});
searchURL URL of a a server side script capable of generating jSON. Default: null. $("searcher").searcher({searchURL:'../WebServices/wsSearch.asmx/Drugs'});
searchLocalData jSON array of items to to use for search data , e.g. . Default:null. $("searcher").searcher({prePopulate:[{id:4, name:'Baker', group:'Doctor Who'}, {id:5, name:'Davison', group:'Doctor Who'}]});
searchGroupText If enabled, and it is present, any group name data associated with the search data will be searched. Default: false.
highlightMatches When enabled will hilight the parts of the search results which match the provided search terms. Default: true.
hintText Placeholder text displayed in the search input box. Default: Type in a search term.
noMatches Text displayed when no matches are found. *Default: *.
doingSearch Text displayed when search being carried out. *Default: *.
defaultGroupName When resultsGrouping is enabled, this value will be used for any search result that doesn't have a group specified. Default: "No specified group".
resultsGrouping If set to true causes search results to be grouped by provided group, if a result has no groupname provided, the value specified in defaultGroupName will be used. Default: true.
excludeSelectedItems Exclude any selected items from search results. Default: true.
allowDuplicates Allow multiple items with the same id to be selected. Default: false.
maxResultsReturned Maximum number of search results returned. Default: 100.
maxSelectedItems Maximum number of items that can be selected. Default: 100.
deleteText The text displayed on the token delete button and clear selected items button. Specified as HTNL code. Default: "&#10006" - displayed as ✖.
enableClear Enables the clear tags button in the top left hand corner. Default, true. Default: true.
allowDelete Allows individual tags to be deleted. Default, true. Default: true.

Passing multiple options

To pass multiple options, comma separate them, for example:

					minchars: 1
					, excludeSelectedItems: false
					, searchGroupText: true
					, maxResultsReturned: 100
					, allowDuplicates: false


Method Description Example
clear Remove all selected items $("searcher").searcher("clear");
add Adds an item or items to the selected box, data is in the form of an array (specifed in Data Options,above) $(".example1").Searcher("add", [{"id":1, "name":"zygon"}, {"id":2, "name":"dalek"}]);
get Returns an array of selected items (specifed in Data Options,above) $("searcher").searcher("get");
remove Removes the sepecifed item or items from the selected box, data is in the form of an array of IDs $(".example1").Searcher("remove", [{"id":"Tennant"}, {"id":"McCoy"]);
settings Configure the control using the options specified in the section Configuration Options