
MicroPython implementation of TouchPads with a 2004LCD

Primary LanguagePython

MicroPython TouchPad and 2004LCD


This project has a simplified version of an LCD library to drive the 20x4 LCDs with I2C backpacks.

It defined four touch pads and shows the no-touch calibrated value for each, and the current value. With a line for each pad.

It uses uasyncio in a naive way. Here's initialising the LCD:

i2c = I2C(0, scl=Pin(22), sda=Pin(21), freq=400000) lcd = LCD2004(i2c, addr=39)

and here's writing some text of values to the LCD:



This is the simplified version of the Chinese LCD1602 library. It has a reduced number of 'if' statements and is generally faster.

Driving NeoPixels

Turns out the standard import module for MicroPython is a poor implementation giving rise to erroneous colours and flashes.

I used: https://github.com/nickovs/ws2812-SPI as an alternative. It uses the hardware SPI and drives pin IO13 - Silky Smooth.

main.py + classes.py

This is what I wanted to do in the first place. It has better examples of how to use uasyncio with tasks and run_forever.

Essentially, TouchPads become a class of TouchUI with all the plumbing for updating the NeoPixel rings, the LCD and associated circuit actions.