
Collection of useful astronomy snippets

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Collection of useful astronomy snippets. All work with Python 3.

Query Legacy Survey DR8 photoz

Query photometric redshifts from Legacy Survey DR8

usage: query_photoz_datalab.py [-h] [-r RADIUS] RA, Dec [RA, Dec ...]

positional arguments:
RA, Dec RA and Dec (degrees)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RADIUS Search radius (arcsc)


python query_photoz_datalab.py 199.651874 30.3243492 -r 2
z_phot_median, z_phot_std, z_phot_l95, ra, dec, type, flux_z from ls_dr8.photo_z
['0.362533', '0.086208', '0.258176', '199.65187593677', '30.324329766903', 'EXP', '7.06425', 0.07021754722965218]

Find sources in ZTF data

Query Kowalski and obtain a summary table of all sources in a cone

usage: cone_search_ztf.py [-h] [-r RADIUS] [--date-start DATE_START]
[--date-end DATE_END] [--ndethist NDETHIST_MIN]
[--drb DRB_MIN] [--out OUT]
RA, Dec [RA, Dec ...]

ZTF alert cone search using Kowalski

positional arguments:
RA, Dec RA and Dec (degrees)

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-r RADIUS Search radius (arcmin)
--date-start DATE_START
Start date of the query, in ISO format. Example:
'2017-08-17 12:41:04.4'
--date-end DATE_END End date of the query, in ISO format. Example:
'2017-08-18 12:00:00.0'
--ndethist NDETHIST_MIN
Minimum number of detections
ZTF program IDs
--drb DRB_MIN Minimum drb score
--out OUT Output filename: if given, a CSV file will be created


python cone_search_ztf.py 272.312512 -9.62908 -r 10 --date-start '2021-06-01' --date-end '2021-06-12' --pid 1 --out my_sources.csv

Upload spectra to Fritz

usage: upload_spectra_fritz.py [-h] [-d] [--date DATE] [--inst INST_ID] ID [ID ...]

Upload spectra to the Fritz marshal, individually or in bulk.

positional arguments:
ID Spectra filenames

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--date DATE Date of the observations,
for example 2020-11-10T00:00:00 or 2021-01-20
--inst INST_ID Instrument ID, e.g. inst_id = 3 for DBSP. Instrument IDs can
be found here: https://fritz.science/api/instrument
-d Use default reducer ID and observer - please customize the code if you want to use this (unrequired) option


  • If the name of the ZTF source is in the filename, it will be recognized automatically; filenames without the ZTF source name are fine, too
  • Make sure that 'ZTF' appears only once at most in the filename
  • The spectra are assumed to have wavelength in the first column (in angstrom), flux in the second column, possibly flux error in the third column
  • The code will automatically let you know under which group IDs the source was saved, but they can be changed interactively when uploading
  • Please copy your API token before using the code. You can find the API code in your Fritz account page
  • Headers will be uploaded along with the spectra; DBSP_DRP output headers will be merged automatically before the upload

Useful links:


python upload_spectra_fritz.py ZTF*fits --inst 3 --date 2020-10-28T07:00:00
python upload_spectra_fritz.py lris20201017_ZTF20thebest.spec --inst 7 --date 2020-10-17

Crop and display DBSP spectra

usage: dbsp_crop_spec.py [-h] [--doPlot] [-n NAMES [NAMES ...]]
[--suffix OUT_SUFFIX]

Crop DBSP spectra and plot them up. This is NOT a necessary step
for the upload on Fritz
, if FITS files from DBSP_DRP are available.

If no option is given, all spectra in the format ./ZTF*.fits
will be processed.

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--doPlot Plot up the spectra
-n NAMES [NAMES ...]
Names of the spectra; if not provided, all spectra in
the format ./ZTF*.fits will be processed
--suffix OUT_SUFFIX suffix for the output; default = '_crop.txt'


python dbsp_crop_spec.py --n ZTF19cool.fits ZTF20lesscool.fits --doPlot

Limitations: Headers are not yet transferred

Get galaxies

usage: get_galaxies.py [-h] --ra RA --dec DEC [--r RAD] [--c CATALOG]
[--dist-min DIST_MIN] [--dist-max DIST_MAX]
[--sep-max SEP_MAX_KPC] [--out OUT]

Query galaxy catalogs

optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--ra RA Right Ascension of the center of the query (deg)
--dec DEC Declination of the center of the query (deg)
--r RAD Radius of the query (deg), default=1deg
--c CATALOG Catalog name. The default is GLADE2.3 (VII/281/glade2). Available catalogs with distances & separations: GLADE v2.3 (VII/281/glade2); 6dF DR3 spec (VII/259/spectra). Other catalogs will not have calculated separations. Some examples are: 2MASS extended sources (VII/233/xsc); HYPERLEDA (VII/237/pgc); SDSS DR12 (V/147/sdss12); GAIA S/G class (VII/285/gdr2ext)
--dist-min DIST_MIN Minimum distance (Mpc)
--dist-max DIST_MAX Maximum distance (Mpc)
--sep-max SEP_MAX_KPC
Maximum projected separation (kpc)
--out OUT Output file name (CSV)


python get_galaxies.py --ra 219.51950000 --dec -60.34800000 --r 3. --out my_galaxies.csv --dist-max 100

Example for a generic catalog (say HYPERLEDA, see the help for suggestions):

python get_galaxies.py --ra 329.41950000 --dec -80.3580 --r 3.0 --c VII/237/pgc --out galaxies_FRB190711_hyperleda.csv