
A fun project showcasing testing, OO, and design patterns

Primary LanguagePHP

Golf Dice Game

Build Status Scrutinizer Code Quality codecov


  • Ensure you have PHP 7.2
  • Install Composer globally or locally
  • To install the application requirements using globally installed composer, run: composer install


Test Suite Run

Running the Tests

  • All test suites: vendor/bin/phpunit.
  • Acceptance tests: vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Acceptance
    • Asserts the functionality of Interview::playGame() as well as performs performance comparisons for different rolling strategies
  • Unit tests: vendor/bin/phpunit --testsuite Unit
    • Tests the logic and interaction of the objects in the application

Code Description

The entrypoint to fulfill the playGame() method requirement is Interview::playGame(). From there the major classes are Game, Round, and Player. A Game runs N rounds where N is equal to the count of the number of players in the game (4 for our purposes by default). A round is all players rolling once. A player rolls until they have no more dice left to roll. That is a max of 5 rolls since there are 5 di to roll.

Round returns a Leaderboard object which shows the result of that round. The Game object likewise returns a leaderboard which is combined with the round leaderboards to create a combined score.

A player can use one of a few different rolling strategies to choose the dice to keep for each roll. A roller class was extracted to test and to be able to mock the rolls as needed. A PlayerScore is returned by the player classes.

Game and Round both use a simple factory to create a few objects so that they can be mocked out easily.

Assumptions & Questions

  • Are the business terms game & round?
    • I assumed so but would have checked before implementing
  • Are the dice six sided and are they numbered from 1 through 6?
    • I assumed so but would have checked before implementing
  • Will the number of players ever need to be changed?
    • I assumed so since it was very low cost to do so
  • Is there a max number of players?
    • I assume so but didn't put checks in
  • Is playGame() supposed to play the game AND create the view?
    • Put it in an interview class that generates the desired output and runs a single game
    • I would have checked with others on the exact requirements before doing so
  • I assumed "displays the winning player" means that we display their name and result by echoing out a string
    • could be something else which is why I'd check with others
  • Assumed that the round count is always the player count since each must roll once
    • Would be easy to change