
MD5 algorithm implementation - x86 assembler

Primary LanguageAssembly

Name....: MD5 Message-Digest Algorithm
Author..: ReWolf
Rel.Date: 18.XII.2004 (VII.2011 update)

e.mail..: rewolf@rewolf.pl
www.....: http://rewolf.pl

MD5 algorithm implementation. See rewolf_md5.(inc/s) for more details.

\masm\ implementation for MASM
\fasm\ implementation for FASM (adapted by Reverend)
\gas\  implementation for GNU Assembler (adapted by Hannes Beinert)
\nasm\ implementation for NASM/YASM (adapted by Ange Albertini)

Additional info:

Implementation from \gas\ directory is heavily commented by Hannes Beinert, so
probably it might be useful to study for beginners to figure out what exactly is
happening on each stage of algorithm.
