
Built with JavaScript, React.JS, Redux, SCSS and HTML, this app allows Epic Seven players to filter all heroes by their dedicated element, such element could be either Ice, Fire, Wind, Dark or Light.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Project Name

  • Epic Seven Hero List

Project Website (Netlify)

Web Deployment Netlify Disclaimer: Please use the mobile emulation to have a better experience using the app, desktop breakpoints are being developed.

Clone the Project

  • git clone - https://github.com/Zeraltz/metrics-webapp.git


alt text

Built With

Loom Video

Built With

  • HTML
  • SCSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.JS
  • Redux
  • VSCode

Getting Started

This app allows Epic Seven players to filter all heroes by their dedicated element, such element could be either Ice, Fire, Wind, Dark or Light. This allows the player to know what hero he wants before rerolling or summoning heroes in the game. The app is going to be improved with time to also show the description, stats and recomended gear for every hero in the game


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📝 License

This project is MIT licensed.