
Primary LanguageC++

To run the game I think you can just cd into this directory then type ./out but if it doesn't work let me know.

To play WASD to move Mouse to look around ESC to exit

Yes the game does grab your mouse, no there's no way to release the mouse mid game (sorry!)

A few quick notes

  • The make.sh was just something I created that could be run from terminal to build the game

  • In conjunction with while true; do fswatch --one-event ~/google\ drive/c++/cyoa && sh ~/google\ drive/c++/cyoa/make.sh; done it would automatically build it when I changed anything

  • sfml doesn't play nice with mac and mouse.. don't be rough with the mouse inputs :)

  • and I couldn't see any possible reason to have to press more than 1 key at once :)

  • Code was based off a tutorial I followed by Matt Hopson. Tutorial Here