
Reduxefy Toolkit is a supercharged version of Reduxefy (a lightweight implementation of Redux), packed with tools that make working with Reduxefy a breeze.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Reduxefy Toolkit

Reduxefy Toolkit is a supercharged version of Reduxefy (a lightweight implementation of Redux), packed with tools that make working with Reduxefy a breeze. It's like the fancy older cousin who's always got your back and is ready to lend a hand whenever you need it. But don't worry, Reduxefy Toolkit isn't all talk and no action - it's actually really useful!

Reduxefy Toolkit is actually built on top of Reduxefy and its close ally - React-Reduxefy. So, if you want to join the party, be sure to check out these two hip cats first. They're like the cool kids at the playground that Reduxefy Toolkit looks up to.


With Reduxefy Toolkit, you can easily build complex applications. There's actually a working demo of an Inventory management system built using Reduxefy Toolkit and React Reduxefy. It's like a fully stocked fridge waiting for you to raid it.


To get started with Reduxefy Toolkit, you can easily install it via npm by running:

npm install reduxefy-toolkit


Once installed, you can start using the toolkit by importing one of its three main functions:





The configureStore function is a wrapper around createStore that provides sane defaults and additional configuration options. It makes setting up your Redux store a breeze. Here's an example of how you can use it:

import { configureStore } from 'reduxefy-toolkit';
import counterReducer from './counterReducer';
import counterReducer from './counterReducer';

const store = configureStore({
  reducer: {
	  counter: counterReducer,
	  todo: todoReducer
  middleware: (getDefaultMiddleware) =>  getDefaultMiddleware().concat(logger)l

// the default middleware already includes "ThunkMiddleware" to handle async thunks.

export default store;


The createSlice function allows you to create a "slice" of your store's state that handles a specific piece of functionality. It's a convenient way to group related actions and reducers together. Here's an example of how you can use it:

import { createSlice } from "reduxefy-toolkit";
import { Item } from "../api";

const initialState = {
    loading: false,
    error: "",

    item: {},
    items: [],
    total: 0,

const item = createSlice({
    name: "item",
    reducers: {
        clearItem: (state) => {
            state.item = {};
    extraReducers: (builder) => {
        builder.addCase(Item.getAll.pending, (state) => {
            state.loading = true;
        builder.addCase(Item.getOne.pending, (state) => {
            state.loading = true;

        builder.addCase(Item.getAll.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false;
            state.items = action.payload.results;
            state.total = action.payload.total;
        builder.addCase(Item.getOne.fulfilled, (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false;
            state.item = action.payload;

        builder.addCase(Item.getAll.rejected, (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false;
            state.error = action.payload;
        builder.addCase(Item.getOne.rejected, (state, action) => {
            state.loading = false;
            state.error = action.payload;

export const { clearItem } = item.actions;
export default item.reducer;


The createAsyncThunk function is a utility that simplifies the process of dispatching an asynchronous action and handling its lifecycle states.

The callback is also passed the thunkAPI object that contains store, dispatch & rejectWithValue for handling common cases.

Here's an example of how you can use it:

import axios from "axios";
import { createAsyncThunk } from "reduxefy-toolkit";

export const apiThunkHandler = async (asyncFn, thunkAPI) => {
    try {
        const res = (await asyncFn).data;
        return res;
    } catch (err) {
        console.log("ApiError", err);
        return thunkAPI.rejectWithValue(err.response.data.message);

const getAll = createAsyncThunk(
    async (_, thunkAPI) => apiThunkHandler(axios.get("/items",), thunkAPI)

const getOne = createAsyncThunk(
    async ({ uuid }, thunkAPI) => apiThunkHandler(axios.get("/items/" + uuid), thunkAPI)

const add = createAsyncThunk(
    async ({ name, description, category_uuid, quantity }, thunkAPI) => apiThunkHandler(

export default {



Ready to level up your state management game? Give Reduxefy Toolkit a spin and watch your app go from 🐢 to 🚀!