Travel costs usually burn a big hole in our pockets! With limited allowances, booking for cabs can be a major setback. Here comes in an alternative to car pool!
Not only do you get company, but a partner to split up the bills. Looking for people with the same destination does become a headache at times. Fret not! We got your back.
Introducing POOLSPOT !!!
Simply sign up, feed in your travel details and get a list of everyone headed towards to same destination. Chose your travel buddy and Voila!
You're good to go

Features of the App:

Driving somewhere?
Share. Drive. Save.

  • Publish your ride in seconds.
  • Decide who goes with you.
  • Enjoy the least expensive ride you’ve ever made.

Project Setup

Clone the repository, open the project in Android Studio, hit "Run". Done!

Libraries Used:

  • Firebase Authentication
  • Firebase Firestore
  • Recycler View
  • Card View
  • Circle image View
  • Navigation Drawer

Screenshots Of the App:

drawing drawing drawing