A simple Deno Module to use the new Twitter Developer API v2!
Here is an example usage of the dwitter module:
import { config } from "https://deno.land/x/dotenv/mod.ts";
import { Dwitter } from "https://deno.land/x/dwitter/mod.ts";
const twitterAPIKeys = config({ path: "./.twitter.env" });
const dwitter = new Dwitter(twitterAPIKeys);
console.log(await dwitter.getTweet("1275456813354401794"));
Module Installation
This is a Deno module available to import direct from this repo and via the Deno Third Party Modules index.
Before importing, download and install Deno.
You can then import Minifier straight into your project:
import { Dwitter } from "https://deno.land/x/dwitter/mod.ts";