
Basic app developed with Phoenix and Vue 2.0, including authentication.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Basic Authentication Example Built With Phoenix, Vue 2.0 and Vue Router 2.0

*Sorry for not having the commit history of this project, at the beginning I didn't realize that I was going to upload it to Github

To start this application locally:

  • Make sure you have installed Elixir, Erlang, Phoenix, Node and PostgreSQL
  • Install the Mix dependencies: $ cd server/ && mix deps.get
  • Create, migrate and seed the development database: $ mix ecto.setup
  • Start the Phoenix Server: $ mix phoenix.server or $ iex -S mix phoenix.server
  • Install the NPM packages $ cd ../client/ && npm install
  • Start the Express development server: $ npm run dev

To build the Vue.js project for production:

  • In the client directory, run $ npm run build (this will execute the build/build.js script and will copy the produced files to the server/priv/js/ and server/priv/css/ directories)

To deploy this application on Heroku:

  • Follow this guide in the Phoenix website.

Next Steps:

  • Deployment using Docker and Docker-Compose.