
Simple server to configure pizzas ordering

Primary LanguageC#


This program is associated to a C# quest.


Use Visual Studio on Windows/Mac or Mono on Linux to compile the program.


Once you are in the directory of the executable:

$ ./PizzaMaster


The URL to access it is http://localhost:12345/PizzaMaster

Be sure that this port don't already have a service running on.

What to do ?

This program only provides a way to order pizzas. Basically it only increments a counter in memory when receiving the proper request.

Unless you are feeding it with a POST request it will return a 405 Bad Request.

Request format

To play with the program you must send data as form/raw. A paramater named nbPizzas will do the thing.

$ curl -d "nbPizzas=2" http://localhost:12345/PizzaMaster
You have 2 pizzas ordered

If you need to decrement it just set nbPizzas to a negative number.

$ curl -d "nbPizzas=2" http://localhost:12345/PizzaMaster
You have 2 pizzas ordered
$ curl -d "nbPizzas=-2" http://localhost:12345/PizzaMaster
You have 0 pizzas ordered


Propriety of Wild Code School, written by PREVOST Corentin.