
The goal of this project is to forecast SPY returns based on machine-learning model. The dataset consists of daily closing prices for SPY and VIX. SPY is the S&P500 ETF and VIX is a measure of the implied volatility of S&P500. In addition, the dataset has a measure of the historical volatility of SPY.

The goal is to compare predictions over several time horizons. We focus on the next N trading days, with $N = 1$ and $N = 20$.

Based on the dataset provided, I chose to compare several methodologies and the corresponding results in the prediction of SPY returns. This report deals with two kind of approaches : first approach consists in prediction of SPY price from SPY price only, second one consists in the construction of different kind of features : VIX [1], SPY returns, shifted values for SPY and VIX and construction of indices such as MACD and RSI. [2]

Both approaches are tested with two kinds of neural network : a CNN based on the WaveNet Architecture and a LSTM Neural Network [3]
