
Primary LanguageJavaScript

In this project, I utilized MongoDB with Mongoose to perform various CRUD operations on a Person model. The project demonstrates how to connect to a MongoDB database, define a Mongoose schema, and implement common database operations.

Features -Database Connection: Established a connection to MongoDB using Mongoose. -Schema Definition: Defined a Person schema with fields like name, age, and favoriteFoods. CRUD Operations: -Create: Functions to create and save single or multiple documents. -Read: Functions to find documents by name, ID, or specific field values. -Update: Functions to update specific fields in a document. -Delete: Functions to remove documents by ID or specific criteria. -Advanced Queries: Implemented chaining of search query helpers like .sort(), .limit(), and .select().

Environment Setup: -Create a .env file in the root directory. -Add your MongoDB URI as MONGO_URI in the .env file.

File Structure: index.js: Contains all the code related to database operations.

Key Dependencies: -mongoose: For object data modeling (ODM). -dotenv: For loading environment variables.