Technical Interview Challenges in TypeScript

Table of Contents

  1. Data Structures
  2. Algorithms
  3. TypeScript Specifics

Data Structures

1. Implement a Queue or Stack using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement a basic Queue and a Stack data structure using TypeScript.

Real-world Use: Queues are often used in scenarios like task scheduling, and Stacks are used for things like backtracking algorithms.

2. Implement a Linked List using TypeScript

Challenge: Create a singly linked list and implement methods for insertion, deletion, and traversal.

Real-world Use: Linked lists are used in low-level memory management and can be useful for quick insertions and deletions.

3. Implement a Hash Table using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement a hash table with methods for inserting, deleting, and searching elements.

Real-world Use: Hash tables are used for quick data retrieval and are the underlying concept for objects in JavaScript.

4. Implement a Graph using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement a graph data structure and include methods for depth-first and breadth-first search.

Real-world Use: Graphs are used in social networks, recommendation engines, and routing algorithms like GPS.

5. Implement a Binary Tree using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement a binary tree and include methods for inserting nodes and searching for a node.

Real-world Use: Binary trees are used in databases for indexing, in networking for routing tables, and in compilers for syntax trees.


1. Implement Sorting and Searching Algorithms using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement QuickSort or MergeSort for sorting an array. Also, implement binary search.

Real-world Use: Sorting and searching are fundamental operations in databases and other data storage systems.

2. Implement Recursive Algorithms using TypeScript

Challenge: Write a recursive function to calculate the factorial of a number or to generate Fibonacci sequence.

Real-world Use: Recursion is often used in tree traversal algorithms and divide-and-conquer strategies.

3. Implement Dynamic Programming Algorithms using TypeScript

Challenge: Solve the Knapsack problem or coin change problem using dynamic programming.

Real-world Use: Dynamic programming is used in optimization problems, like resource allocation and scheduling.

4. Implement Divide and Conquer Algorithms using TypeScript

Challenge: Implement an algorithm that uses the divide-and-conquer strategy, like finding the maximum/minimum element in an array.

Real-world Use: Divide and conquer is used in sorting algorithms like QuickSort and in numerical simulations.

TypeScript Specifics

1. Advanced Typing in TypeScript

Challenge: Write TypeScript code that demonstrates the use of advanced types like generics, union types, and literal types.

Real-world Use: Advanced types are used for creating robust and scalable codebases.

2. Use Decorators in TypeScript

Challenge: Write TypeScript code that uses decorators.

Real-world Use: Decorators are used in frameworks like Angular for dependency injection and declaring metadata.

3. Compiler Configuration in TypeScript

Challenge: Explain various compiler options in the tsconfig.json file and their use cases.

Real-world Use: Compiler configuration is essential for optimizing the performance and behavior of TypeScript applications.