title = "This Week In Veloren 42"
description = ""
date = 2020-01-31
weight = 0
slug = "devblog-42"
banner = "https://.../screenshot.png"
# uncomment one of these to replace this page's background image, either via an absolute url or a relative one
#background = "https://.../screenshot.png"
#background = "header.png"
tags = ["devblog"]
Blog content goes here!
Add an image:
{{ img(src="https://.../foo.png") }}
With an alt text, for screen readers etc:
{{ img(src="https://.../foo.png", alt="Foo") }}
With a caption:
{{ img(src="https://.../foo.png", alt="Foo", caption="This is a nice foo image contributed by @foo!") }}
mp4 video, direct download (e.g. a discord url):
{{ video(src="https://.../foo.mp4") }}
With a caption:
{{ video(src="https://.../foo.mp4", caption="This is a nice video") }}
Different video type:
{{ video(src="https://.../foo.ogv", type="video/ogg") }}
{{ video(src="https://.../foo.ogv", type="video/ogg", caption="An ogg vorbis video") }}
Youtube video:
{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ") }}
With caption:
{{ youtube(id="dQw4w9WgXcQ", caption="Best song ever.") }}
ogg, direct download:
{{ audio(src="https://.../foo.ogg") }}
With a caption:
{{ audio(src="https://.../foo.ogg", caption="Nice music") }}
mp3, direct download:
{{ audio(src="https://.../foo.mp3", type="audio/mpeg3") }}
{{ audio(src="https://.../foo.mp3", type="audio/mpeg3", caption="Nice music") }}