
Repository for the Lab Project Exploring Demographics with Big Data Services on AWS -- DIO

Exploring Demographics with Big Data Services on AWS

Services used:

  • Amazon S3
  • Amazon Glue
  • Amazon Athena
  • Amazon QuickSight

Development steps

Create a bucket in Amazon S3

  • Amazon S3 Console -> Buckets -> Create bucket -> Bucket name [bucket name/dio-athena-data-amo] - Create bucket
  • Create a folder (Create a folder called /output and another with the name of your dataset. This name will define the name of the table created in Glue)
  • Upload the data files located in the folder /br_population_data

Create Glue Crawler

  • Amazon Glue Console -> Crawlers -> Add Crawler/Create Crawler
  • Step 1 - Set crawler properties:
    • Name: [PopulationDbCrawlerAMO]
  • Step 2 - Choose data sources and classifiers
    • Add data source [S3] -> Location of S3 data [x]In this account ->
    • Subsequent crawler runs [x]Crawl all sub-folders
    • Include path: Browser S3 -> Choose S3 path [s3://dio-athena-data-amo] -> Add an S3 data source
  • Step 3 - Configure security settings
    • IAM role: Create a new IAM role [AWSGlueServiceRole-Population]
  • Step 4 - Set output and scheduling
    • Add Database: Create a database [your_db_name/population-db-amo]
    • Advanced options: S3 schema grouping [x]Create a single schema for each S3 path
    • Crawler schedule: Frequency [x]On demand
  • Step 5 - Review and create
    • Create crawler
  • AWS Glue -> Crawlers -> Check your crawler and Run
    • Databases -> Tables: View created table data

Create an Application on Amazon Athena

  • Get started [x]Query your data -> Launch Query Editor
  • The created database and its table are automatically recognized.
  • Amazon Athena -> Query editor -> Query result location [Your folder//output]
  • Save queries -> Rerun -> Check in Bucket Created in S3

Creating a new table

  • Generate table DDL
  • Copy the generated query
  • Select the DB and create the new table in a new query

Visualize Data in Amazon QuickSight

  • Signup (If you don't have an account) -> to choose [Standard]
  • Datasets -> Create new dataset -> Athena -> Name [DataSetName] -> Create
  • Select database -> select table -> Edit or preview -> Save & visualize
  • Create visualizations by selecting columns, creating filters and parameters, and selecting Visual types for charts.

Delete features

  • Delete created elements