
Systems Programming Assignments 2021 at DIT - UoA

Primary LanguageC


Systems Programming Assignments 2021 at DIT - UoA. Each assignment got a score of 100/100 marks.

The task of hw1-spring-2021 is the implementation of a program that accepts, processes, records and answers questions about citizens vaccinations. The citizens data come from files produced by testFile bash script and are stored in data structures in main memory. The main data structures are Bloom Filter and Skip List. Also, Linked Lists and Hash Tables are used and each of the data structures are of generic type.


Compile and Execute

The application is called vaccineMonitor and can be run:

$ ./vaccineMonitor -c citizenRecordsFile -b bloomSize
  • citizenRecordsFile: the name of the file with citizens data produced by bash script.
  • bloomSize: the size of Bloom Filter in bytes.

The compilation of the program can be done with make. To run the bash script and produce citizens data input file:

$ ./testFile.sh virusesFile countriesFile numLines duplicatesAllowed
  • virusesFile, countriesFile: given files.
  • numLines: the number of lines of produced file.
  • duplicatedAllowed: if 0, the IDs of citizens are unique, else duplicated are allowed.

Use the app

When the program finishes reading the citizenRecordsFile and storing the citizens data, it shows the message Enter command: and waits for user input. The user can give the following input commands:

  • /vaccineStatusBloom citizenID virusName
  • /vaccineStatus citizenID virusName
  • /vaccineStatus citizenID
  • /populationStatus [country] virusName date1 date2
  • /popStatusByAge [country] virusName date1 date2
  • /insertCitizenRecord citizenID firstName lastName country age virusNames YES/NO [date]
  • /vaccineNow citizenID firstName lastName country age virusName
  • /list-nonVaccinated-Persons virusName
  • /exit

The purpose of hw2-spring-2021 is the familiarization with the creation of processes using the system calls fork/exec, the process communication via named pipes and the use of low-level I/O. The IPC is determined by a prototype as the size of buffer for reading and writing via named pipes is specific and given by user.


The application is called travelMonitor and accepts travel requests to other countries from citizens, checks if they are vaccinated for the appropriate virus and accepts or rejects the travel.

Compile and Execute

To run the program:

$ ./travelMonitor -m numMonitors -b bufferSize -s sizeOfBloom -i input_dir
  • numMonitors: the number of Monitors processes that the program will create.
  • bufferSize: the size of buffer for reading and writing via named pipes.
  • sizeOfBloom: the size of Bloom Filter.
  • input_dir: the name of inpute direcotry that keeps the subdirectories with the files that Monitor processes will handle.

The compilation of the program can be done with make. To run the bash script and produce citizens data input_dir:

$ ./create_infiles.sh inputFile input_dir numFilesPerDirectory
  • inputFile: the file with citizens data from vaccineMonitor app.
  • input_dir: the name of input directory that will hold the subdirectories.
  • numFilesPerDirectory: the number of files per subdirectory.

Use the app

When the program finishes reading the input_dir and storing the citizens data, it shows the message Enter command: and waits for user input. The user can give the following input commands:

  • /travelRequest citizenID date countryFrom countryTo virusName
  • /travelStats virusName date1 date2 [country]
  • /addVaccinationRecords country
  • /searchVaccinationStatus citizenID
  • /exit

The purpose of hw3-spring-2021 is the familiarization with the creation of threads and sockets. The IPC is determined by a prototype as the size of buffer for reading and writing via named pipes is specific and given by user.


The application travelMonitorClient is based on travelMonitor with the difference that it uses threads instead of processes and the communication between parent process and monitors is done with sockets instead of named pipes. The general idea is the same as the previous assignment, that is: The application accepts travel requests to other countries from citizens, checks if they are vaccinated for the appropriate virus and accepts or rejects the travel.

Compile and Execute

To run the program:

$ ./travelMonitorClient -m numMonitors -b socketbufferSize -c cyclicBufferSize -s sizeOfBloom -i input_dir -t numThreads
  • socketBufferSize: the size of buffer for reading and writing via sockets.
  • cyclicBufferSize: the entries size of cyclic buffer of monitorServer.
  • numThreads: the number of threads that the program will create.

The compilation of the program can be done with make.

Use the app

The user input commands are the same as the previous application.