
Primary LanguageTypeScript


VengarlJs is a small js library that allows you to easily create web components with the native custom elements API and manipulate them. It's built on top of lit-html and is heavily inspired by careHtml and React.

import { createComp } from "@elonbezos/vengarljs";

export default createComp("test-one", ({ html, props, onAttached, useState }) => {
    const [getNumber, setNumber] = useState(0);
    const [fontSize, setFontSize] = useState("1");

    onAttached(() => {
        console.log("props attached", props);

    const incNumber = () => {
        setNumber((baseVal: string) => baseVal + 1);

    return () =>
        html`<button @click=${incNumber} style="font-size: ${fontSize()}em">add</button>
            <span style="font-size: ${fontSize()}em">${getNumber()}</span>`;

Quickstart guide

1. Installation

Instal the library npm install @elonbezos/vengarljs.

2. Create a component

export const awesomeButton = createComp("awesome-button", ({ html }) => {
    return () => html`<button>this button is awesome</button>`;

3. Create a root component

import { createComp } from "@elonbezos/vengarljs";
import { awesomeButton } from "./awesomeButton";

    ({ html }) => {
        return () => html`
        <div>hello world</div>

Notice the third argument of createComp true. This means that this is a root component that we have to write ourselfs in an index.html file :


The other components will be children of the root component.

You can even swap between components :

import { button1, button2 } from "./components/awesomeButton";

export default createComp("btn-switch", ({ html, useState }) => {
    const [btn, setBtn] = useState(button1);

    const switchButton = () => {
        setBtn(btn().name === "awesome-button1" ? button2 : button1);

    return () => html`
       <button @click=${switchButton}>switch</button>

If you make use of a store (see below), dont forget to add it in the imports of the root component.

Note: you dont need to import anything from a store object if you just want to use the useGlobal feature in createComp calls.

import "./store";


The imported function createComp is the bread and butter of the library, it requires 2 arguments (or 3 to make a root component). The first one is the name of the custom element with a "-" as required by the HTML specification, the second one is a function that gets executed with an object as argument.

The object contains different properties :

1. Lifecycle callbacks

onAttached(() => {
   console.log(“element attached”);

every lifecycle function takes a function as argument.

beforeFirstRender: invoked before the first render of the component.

beforeRender: invoked before every render of the component.

onRender: invoked after every render of the component.

onAttached: invoked when connectedCallback is called.

onRemove: invoked when disconnectedCallback is called.

2. Hooks

const [getFontSize, setFontSize] = useState("1");

useState: takes anything as argument and returns a [getter, setter] pair.

useGlobal: takes a string as argument that needs to be a key of a store object and returns a [getter, setter] pair of the associated value.

Everytime a setter function is invoked, the return template function (from the first example) :

return () =>
    html`<button @click=${incNumber} style="font-size: ${fontSize()}em">add</button>
        <span style="font-size: ${fontSize()}em">${getNumber()}</span>`;

is called and lit-html takes care of the rendering

3. Utilities

query: takes a string selector as argument and query an element inside the shadow-dom of the element.

const foo = query("#bar");

queryAll: same as query but return an array of the matched elements.

css: a small css in js solution (see below in styling section).

rawCss: used to inject raw css in a shadow-dom <style></style> element.

cx: allows to conditionally attribute css classes or combines them into one (inspired by classNames from JedWatson).

nc: takes an id and a css class as argument and allows to rebuild a class while replacing the previous css rules.

4. Attributes / props / this

attributes: The attributes passed to the custom element with lit-html.

props: The properties passed to the custom element with lit-html.

self: The this referring to the custom element's context.


Vengarl can store data globally and make use of it as well as change it.

A store object can be created and imported as soon as possible (before any component using it are initialized)


import { store } from "@elonbezos/vengarljs";
store.createGlobalState({ globalKey: "some global value"})
export default store.getGlobalState();


import { createComp } from "@elonbezos/vengarljs";
import "./store";

Then it can be utilised this way:

Read globalKey

export default createComp("test-store", ({ html, useGlobal }) => {
    const [getName] = useGlobal("globalKey");
    return () => html` <div>${getName()}</div>`;

Read and write globalKey

export default createComp("test-store", ({ html, useGlobal }) => {
   const [getName, setName] = useGlobal("globalKey");
   setName("something else");
   return () => html` <div>${getName()}</div>`;

getName() now returns something else. All the other components that subscribed to globalKey will also rerender with the new value.

Being build on top of lit-html, all the lit-html syntaxe is available for listening to events, passing props, ect...


Since Vengarl uses shadow dom, styling must be declared in the component itself.

To answer this, 3 functions are exported designed to make styling easy.


css is a tag function that allow us to declare css rules and returns a generated class name to use in html.

const style = css`
    font-size: 4em;


cx allows to combine classes and output a new className. It accepts either strings as arguments or objects with keys being the class names and values a boolean for conditional combining.

const style1 = css`
        font-size: 4em;

const style2 = css`
    text-decoration: underline;

const style3 = css`
    color: green;

const style4 = css`
    text-shadow: 2px 2px blue;

const style = cx(style1, { [style2]: true, [style3]: true }, { [style4]: true });


The template being rerendered after each state change, generating a new class this way :

const style1 = (size: number) => css`
    font-size: ${size}em;

return () =>
        <div class=${style1(size)}>

would add new lines in the components style element without replacing the old ones. To prevent that we can use the nc function that identifies a set of css rules and replaces them when it gets called again.

const style1 = (size: number) => nc("hey-text", css`
    font-size: ${size}em;

(It would be cool to have this behavior as default, but I can't find a way to make this work without rewriting all the css rules of the component every time a class is regenrated).


As the name implies, it allows to inject raw css to the component's style element.

    @keyframes slidein {
        from {
            width: 30%;
        to {
            width: 100%;

Useful for keyframes, font-face and media queries.


Second named import of the library alongside createComp.

Allows the css to be available globally by all components (the styling is automatically copied in all component style elements).

import { createComp, addGlobalCss } from "@elonbezos/vengarljs";

    @keyframes slidein {
        from {
            width: 30%;
        to {
            width: 100%;


If you have any suggestions or comments to make, don't hesitate to open an issue, make a pr or contact me.

Also English isn't my first language so don't hesitate to tell me if the wording is incorrect.

Warning: this is a very unfinished, unpolished and probably buggy piece of code.


bishmish for careHtml; jeanlescure for short-unique-id;

Google polymer team for lit-html