

Primary LanguageVerilogMIT LicenseMIT


Mirfak is a CPU core that implements the RISC-V RV32I Instruction Set.

Mirfak is free and open hardware licensed under the MIT license.

CPU core details

  • Single-issue, in-order, four-stage pipeline datapath.
  • Separate instruction and data ports.
  • No MMU.
  • No cache.
  • No FPU. Software-base floating point support (toolchain).
  • Machine privilege mode. Current version: v1.11.
  • Support for external interrupts, as described in the privilege mode manual.
  • Wishbone B4 Bus Interface.
  • Vendor-independent code.

Project Details

Directory Layout

  • documentation: LaTeX source files for the CPU manuals (TODO).
  • rtl: CPU source files written in Verilog.
  • scripts: Scripts for installation of compliance tests.
  • simulator: verilator testbench, written in C++.
  • tests: Assembly test environment for the CPU.
    • extra_tests: Aditional test for the software, timer and external interrupt interface.
  • LICENSE: MIT license.
  • README.md: This file.

RISC-V toolchain

The easy way to get the toolchain is to download a prebuilt version from SiFive.

The version used to compile the tests is riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc-8.3.0-2019.08.0

Verilog module parameters

The following parameters can be used to configure the cpu core.

  • HART_ID (default = 0): This sets the ID of the core.
  • RESET_ADDR (default = 0x80000000): The start address of the program.
  • ENABLE_COUNTERS (default = 1): Add support for the CYCLE[H] and INSTRET[H] counters. If set to zero, reading the counters will return zero or a random number.
  • ENABLE\_M\_ISA (default = 1): Enable hardware support for the RV32M ISA.


Dependencies for simulation

Download the compliance tests

To download the riscv-compliance repository:

make install-compliance

This downloads a fork of riscv-compliance with added support for this core.


Before running the compliance test suit, benchmarks and extra-tests, define the variable RVGCC_PATH to the bin folder of the toolchain:

export RVGCC_PATH=/path/to/bin/folder/

Generate the C++ model and compile it

To compile the verilator testbench, execute the following command in the root folder of the project:

$ make build-core

Run the compliance tests

To perform the simulation, execute the following command in the root folder of the project:

$ make core-sim-compliance

All tests should pass, with exception of the breakpoint test: no debug module has been implemented.

Simulate execution of a single ELF file

To execute a single .elf file:

$ ./build/core.exe --file [ELF file] --timeout [max time] --signature [signature file] --trace

Parameters of the C++ model

  • file: RISC-V ELF file to execute.
  • timeout (optional): Maximum simulation time before aborting.
  • signature (optional): Write memory dump to a file. For verification purposes.
  • trace (optional): Enable VCD dumps. Writes the output file to build/trace_core.vcd.


Copyright (c) 2019 Angel Terrones (angelterrones@gmail.com).

Release under the MIT License.