Can of Books API

Author: Angela Dzodzomenyo & Chris Reichert Version: 1.0.0 Initial Build Out 1.1.0 Added database storage 1.1.5 created book modal and deployed 1.2.0 added user ability to post and delete


This is the front end for the collaborative project on Can of Books. It was built off a template from (Code Fellows.

Getting Started


Change Log


(See Below)

Credit and Collaborations

Collaboration Agreement


  • What hours will you be available to communicate?
    • afternoon/evenings a couple hours before class.
  • What platform will you use to communicate (ie. Slack, phone …)?
    • We will use Slack for primary communication
  • How often will you take breaks?
    • As needed. Depending on good stopping points as well.
  • What is your plan if you start to fall behind?
    • Take advantage of lab day son Wednesday and Friday and Sunday


  • Make a list of each parson’s strengths.
    • Chris - across the board strong. Understand concepts
    • Angela - understands back-end pretty well.
  • How can you best utilize these strengths in the development of your application?
    • We can bounce ideas off of each other.
  • In what areas do you each want to develop greater strength?
    • Angela - CSS and bootstrap, front end back end database communication
    • Chris - front end back end database communication
  • Knowing that every person in your team needs to understand the code, how do you plan to approach the day-to-day development?
    • Paired programming and comments as necessary

Conflict Resolution

  • What will your team do if one person is pulling all the weight while the other person is not contributing?
    • Try to address it with team member and escalate if necessary
  • What will your team do if one person is taking over the project and not letting the other member contribute?
    • Communicate needs and escalate if necessary
  • How will you approach each other and the challenge of building an application knowing that it is impossible for two people to be at the exact same place in understanding and skill level?
    • Explain as writing code. Leaving comments and stopping for a pulse check.

Feature Estimates

  1. Name of feature: Set up your repositories
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 45 minutes
  • Start time: 2230
  • Finish time: 2335
  • Actual time needed to complete: 1 hour 5 minutes
  1. Name of feature: Storage: As a user, I'd like my books to persist, so that whenever I make changes, I can see the my full list of best books.
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 1 hours
  • Start time: 2230
  • Finish time: 0030
  • Actual time needed to complete: 2 hours
  1. Name of feature: Book Component: As a user, I'd like to see my list of books, so that I can track what's impacted me, and what's recommended to me.
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 3 hours
  • Start time: 1800 2230 1400
  • Finish time: 2000 2330 1700
  • Actual time needed to complete: 6 hours
  1. Name of feature: Create: As a user, I'd like to add a new book to my shelf, so that I can keep my lists up to date with my latest books and recommendations.
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 4 hours
  • Start time: 1800 2230 2030 1400
  • Finish time: 2000 2330 0030 1700
  • Actual time needed to complete: 10 hours
  1. Name of feature: Delete: As a user, I want to remove books from my list, so that only the most important books are on my shelf.
  • Estimate of time needed to complete: 2 hours
  • Start time: 2230 2030 1400
  • Finish time: 2330 0030 1700
  • Actual time needed to complete: 8 hours