PickGame implementation for Alpha Zero General
An implementation of a simple game provided to check extendability of the framework. Neural network architecture was copy-pasted from the game of Othello, so possibly it can be simplified.
contains the core training loop and MCTS.py
performs the Monte Carlo Tree Search. The parameters for the self-play can be specified in main.py
. Additional neural network parameters are in pickgame/keras/NNet.py
(cuda flag, batch size, epochs, learning rate etc.).
To start training a model for PickGame:
python main.py
To play againt the model-based player:
python pit.py
You can choose players of the game (human / random / model) by switching flags in pit.py
Environment Requirement
Python3, NumPy, Keras Library, CUDA Toolkit (optional)
I trained a Keras model for 4x4 PickGame (45 iterations, 100 episodes, 10 epochs per iteration and 50 MCTS simulations per turn). This took about 40 hours on an i5-8250U with MX150 CUDA. The pretrained model (Keras) can be found in pretrained_models/pickgame/keras/
. You can play a game against it using pit.py
Contributors and Credits
The implementation is based on this project.
A concise description of this algorithm can be found here.