
Unit 3 exam, omnidirecitonal robot

Primary LanguageC

				** Description of the exam **

MOTOR (34:1 Metal Gearmotor 25Dx67L mm HP 12V with 48 CPR Encoder): 

Since the in the datasheet the specified Stall Torque varied for two differet voltages(12V and 6V), the considered for this practice was 12V, thus the Stall Torque chose was 120 oz·in which convert to N·m is 0.847 N·m and this is the maxTorque put in each RotationalMotor.
The next attribute to modify was the maxVelocity, in this the formula proportionated was useful:

			      MaxVel = (RPM·2·PI)/(60)

which in this case the datasheet indicates that the RPM is equal to 290, therefore the MaxVel = 30.36.


For the position sensor I based on the formula provided:

			   resolution = 2·PI/(countersPerRevolution)

Therefore, the resolution put in PositionSensor attribute was 0.003848, the noise part was left in 0.


The distance sensors contain a shape of a cube of dimension 0.01 x 0.01 x 0.01. In the lookupTable attribute basing on the datasheet, the sensor to reproduce is a proximity sensor that operates with a range from 0mm to 200mm, therefore in the lookupTable the the values put were: x = 0, y = 0, z = 0. The datasheet also states that the resolution of the sensor is of 16-bit, for instance using the formula given in class:

				resolution = 2^(bit) - 1
Giving as result resolution = 65535 which will be put together with the maximum distance that the sensor can read (0.2m). 

				x = 0    y = 0     z = 0
				x = 0.2  y = 65535 z = 0

This lookupTable for both distace sensor.In this way sensing from 0 (the start of the sensor) to the end of it.

Also, a function was created, this in order to "convert" the bits to centimeters, and so the functions returns a value in bits, this with the intention of justa giving the parameter, this was possible thanks to a three rule. This also was helpful for the point where is requiered to stop and move the robot at 17 cm. So that the three rule is like this:

			bitsToCentimeters = (desiredCentimeters · 65535 bits)/(20 cm)

In this case for 17cm the result was 55704.75 bits, however the functions thanks to the rule of three can compute any bit at any centimeter. 


The velocity chose variate from condition to condition since the sizes of the robot were not the best with the respect to the requested sensors, therefore I struggled a lot at the time of programming. A clear example appeared in a simple movement, when I did the test just trying to avoid the walls, apparently given that the distance sensor measures up to 0.2m and given that each side of the robot are 0.25m x 0.05m x 0.005m the robot struggle a lot when is turning around (either left or right).
Nevertheless, I tried to program the best trajectory so that the motors work faster in some moments and slower in others, in this way having a balance. 
At the moment the robot can dodge the two obstacles, however and given the last justification the wheels get stucked a little bit, the same at the time of reaching the walls, the robot struggles at the moment of turning around a corner.
In order to solve these problems it is proposed to consider another distance sensor as the last worked (HC-SR04), however the solution can also be modifying the robot (its measures) in order to get a better proprotionated robot and for instance a better turn.