
Primary LanguageJavaMIT LicenseMIT


We present 3vLTL, a tool to generate Büchi automata from formulas in Linear-time Temporal Logic (LTL), interpreted on a three-valued semantics. Specifically, given an LTL formula, a set of atomic propositions as alphabet for the automaton, and a truth value, our procedure generates a Büchi automaton that accepts all the words that assign the chosen truth value to the LTL formula. Given the particular type of the output of the tool, it can also be seamlessly processed by third-party libraries in a natural way. That is, the Büchi automaton can then be used in the context of formal verification to check whether an LTL formula is true, false, or undefined on a given model.

To use the tool, first, download the JAR file from the release section.

To run the example as in the paper, open the terminal and run:

java -jar 3vLTL.jar -ltl "X a" -alphabet "a" -outcome uu

Note that, the alphabet atomic propositions can be passed separated by comma. For instance, if the alphabet comprises a, b and c, then we would pass -alphabet "a,b,c" in the terminal. Moreover, the LTL property syntax follows the same used in SPOT and LTL2Buchi tools (X for next, G for globally, F for eventually, && for and, || for or, and so on).

Then, to visualise the automaton so generated:

dot -Tps automaton.gv -o outfile.ps

Then, you can try with any other LTL property. Remember to update the alphabet and the outcome accordingly.