
JSF 2.3 Apps Examples

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##JSF 2.3 Apps Examples

This is a collection of examples from the JSF & OmniFaces Fans. Check JSF 2.3 Tutorial for more details!

Included examples:

  • Support for custom types in UIData and UIRepeat (check article)
  • Support for the Map interface in UIData (check article)
  • Support for the Iterable and Map interface in UIRepeat (check article)
  • JSF 2.3 provides default producers for the most important artifacts (check article)
  • Take advantage of the new generic parameters in Converter and Validator (check article)
  • Behaviors (@FacesBehavior) as injection targets (check article)
  • Converters (@FacesConverter) & validators (@FacesValidator) as injection targets (check article)
  • Subscribe via <f:event> from page to listen PostRenderViewEvent (check article)
  • Subscribe programmatically to listen PostRenderViewEvent from a custom component (check article)
  • Enables class level validation via <f:validateWholeBean/> (check article)
  • JSF 2.3 align the <f:convertDateTime/> to JSR 310 (check article)
  • Quickstart for registering a web socket push connection in client side (check article)
  • Explicitly open/close a websocket channel (check article)
  • Conditionally open/close a websocket channel (check article)
  • Fire one-time push when a channel has been opened (check article)
  • Generating a JavaScript function in the global JavaScript scope which allows the end user to execute a JSF AJAX request by just a function call in the JavaScript context (check article)
  • Importing constants and enums (check article)
  • CDI @ManagedProperty (check article)