A non-proxying distributed key value store. Optimized for reading files between 1 MB and 1 GB. Should scale to 1 billion files.
- GET /key
- Supports range requests.
- 302 redirect to volume server.
- {PUT, DELETE} /key
- Blocks. 200 = written, anything else = nothing happend.
./master /tmp/cachedb/
./volume /tmp/volume1/ localhost:3000
PORT-3002 ./volume -p 3002 /tmp/volume2/ localhost:3000
# put "bigswag" in key "wehave"
curl -X PUT -d bigswag localhost:3000/wehave
# get key "wehave" (should be "bigswag")
curl localhost:3000/wehave
# delete key "wehave"
curl -X DELETE localhost:3000/wehave