
Shell script that takes a swagger.json file and converts it to asciidoc style PDF. Script is bundled into a public docker image.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT

Swagger2PDF Docker Cloud Build Status

Swagger2PDF is a simple shell script that will convert a given swagger / openapi2.0 JSON file to a PDF file. Heavily inspired by openapi-asciidoctor.

Available on dockerhub: https://hub.docker.com/r/angrypotato/swagger2pdf


To run Swagger2PDF, you will need:

OR you can use Docker.


To run the script, provide it with:

  • SWAGGER_FILE (required flag: -s) = a path to the swagger.json you wish to convert
  • OUTPUT_DIR (optional flag: -o) = the directory you wish the generated files to appear under. Defaults to the directory of the given swagger file.
  • SWAGGER_2_MARKUP_JAR (optional flag: -j) = the swagger2markup-cli.jar you wish to use. Defaults to /swagger2markup-cli.jar next to where the swagger2pdf.sh script is located.
  • SWAGGER_2_MARKUP_CONFIG (optional flag: -c) = the swagger2markup config properties you wish to use. Defaults to /swagger2markup.properties next to where the swagger2pdf.sh script is located.


$ ./swagger2pdf.sh -s swagger.json -c swagger2markup.properties

OR you can use the given Dockerfile. Build it like so:

$ docker build --pull --tag swagger2pdf:latest .

And then run it like so:

(assuming you have a swagger.json in your current directory)
$ docker run -v ${PWD}:/tmp/s2pdf swagger2pdf:latest /tmp/s2pdf/swagger.json /tmp/s2pdf

After running, the generated files should appear under the specified directory.