
Test app demonstrating potential keel issue.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Test app demonstrating a potential keel issue.


Just run Habitus in the root dir, this will build the runtime image.


To deploy the chart, change the app.image in the test-app/values.yaml to match your deployment setup, then install via helm.

Potential Keel issue

After deploying the test app to your cluster with keel already running in it, tag a new version of the app image e.g.

 docker tag runtime eu.gcr.io/my-project/test-app:0.1.1-staging-green

and push it to the image registry that keel is watching

 docker push eu.gcr.io/my-project/test-app:0.1.1-staging-green

Keel then should report failure to update due to it being unable to re-use a name still in use.