
Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Build Status Coverage Status Maintainability


This is the server side implementation of an online events logging system meant to work with any user interface that will communicate through JSON.

The complete application will provide a platform for any cncerned citizens to flag incidences of public concern to the attention of the concerned authorities, bodies and the general public in two categories; corruption incidences coined as red flags and occurences that need intervention such as natural disasters, security threats, ailing public infrustructure, pandemics, and any other issues of public concern, collectively termed as intervention reports herin.

This current phase of the prject however focuses on modelling the red flags component of the entire application


The current application takes in client report data to produce and store report records that can the be retrieved, some fields updated and records deleted. Details in Details section

Operations summary

The following operations are provided for in the current version of the application:

  • Create a red flag record
  • Get all red flags
  • Get a given red flag by id
  • Update either of the location, status, or comment of a particular red flag selected by id
  • Delete a given red flag nselected by id
Error handling:

Rigorous checks against the followin errors with appropriate responses as detailed in the documentation:

  • Creating duplicate records
  • Invoking wrong actions for valid routes
  • Wrong/invalid URLs
  • Wrong/invalid request data
  • Requests to operate on non existent records
  • Empty/wrong format intput where input is required

The application has no user component, authentication or authorization in this version but provides for full manipulation of records

User experience:

User experience is at the core of the design.The application furnishes informative responses to every request, pointing out possible errors in requests if not executed. responses are of two general categories; request success feedback and error responses, each producing the response code, requested resource (if required and successful) and the appropriate response message


The URLs are of the general format protocol://domain/version-prefix/path

  • Protocol: https for cloud hosting and http for local hosting
  • domain: fast-ravine-44023.herokuapp.com cloud hosting and localhost:port=5000 default for localhost
  • version-prefix: api/v1. Version is v1 for current api, subsequent api's will be versioned as v2, v3, etc
  • path: resource/red_flag_id/endpoint where:
    • resource is red_flags for current version, subsequent api's will include 'intervention_records' and 'users' resources
    • id an integer specifying the particular resource for a given operation. Used to identify a resource for a delete, update or get-one operation. Depending on the user interface, may have to be supplied explicitly in the URL
    • endpoint: Specifies one of the record's properties of 'location', 'comment' and 'status' for update operations. Depending on user interface, may have to be explicitly supplied in the URL. Endpoint also specifies delete for a delete action on the specified record
Summary of valid URL paths
  • /api/v1/red_flags: create a red flag or get all red flags
  • /api/v1/red_flags/red_flag_id: get or delete red flag specified by red_flag_id
  • /api/v1/red_flags/red_flag_id/endpoint: update property endpoint of red flag specified by red_flag_id


Create red-flag:
URL-PATH: /red_flags

Method: POST

Request body:

The request body MUST contain values for red-flag properties of location, comment, and createdBy.
 location: name of the place of occurrence of the alert event, can not be only integers, must be descriptive
 comment: description of the event being reported, must be descriptive, can be detailed
 createdBy: Identity of the user raising the alert.
 title: a one-line summary of the incident


 If any of errors, a corresponding response will be returned. Else, the record is created.
 Additional attributes are filled with defaults and success response message returned.
 Of the remaining attributes, type, image and video can be explicitly supplied.
 The remaining, id, createdOn and status are system generated
Get all red flags:
URL-PATH: protocal://domain/api/v1/red_flags

Method: GET


This fetches and returns an array of all records along if any record() else an empty array
Get individual record:
URL-PATH: /red_flags/<red_flag_id>. red_flag_id must be an integer

Method: GET


With an integer id of an existing record, returns single element array of the given record
If non existent, an empty array
Else if error in red_flag_id or resource name, returns appropriate error message
Edit a given record:
URL-PATH: /red_flags/<red_flag_id>/<property>

Method: PATCH

Request body:

The location value fore edit must be a string.
Format: latitude,longitude

Action and responses

Updates the specified attribute of the record with the given id.
Editing the status or comment of a record will overwrite current values with the supplied values.
Updating the location will append coordinates to location or overwrite existing coordinates. 
Any errors will invoke appropriate responses
Delete a given record:
URL-PATH: /red_flags/<id>/delete

Method: DELETE


If record with given id exists, request will delete the record and return a 'record deleted' message in the 
response, else it will return record not  found message
Usage info:
URL: protocol://domain/version-prefix/

This base(default) root displays a simple user guide


This product, code and documentation can be accessed through the cloud links provided in the [links and related information section](PRODUCT LINKS AND RELATED INFORMATION) or locally when installed


  • Python language
  • Flask framework


  • If not yet done, install a suitable version of python 3.7 onward for your operating system here or from any source
  • If using a windows system, install a suitable version of git client for your system
Clone the repo:
  • Open your editor and navigate to your preferred location for the app
  • Clone the api with the git clone https://github.com/Anguandia/app-iReporter command
Setup and activate your virtual environment:
  • Navigate to the cloned project directory with cd app-iReporter command
  • Run virtualenv name to setup a virtual environment, name is the name you choose for your virtual environment.
  • Run source name/Scripts/activate for windows else name/bin/activate to activate your virtual environment
Install project dependencies
  • Run pip install -r requirements.txt from the root folder to install all dependencies The application is successfully installed, you can proceed to run the application. If you need to deactivate the virtual environment, run the deactivate command from any directory


  • Run the command python run.py from the root directory or
  • Run the commands export FLASK_APP=run.py and flask run or in your root directory, create a .evn file with the command touch .env
  • In the .env file, save the lines export FLASK_APP=run.py and the command for activating the virtual environment.
  • If you have the .env file, you can always run the app with the flask run command and do not need to manually activate the virtual environment because autoenv is among the packages you installed with the pip -r ... command earlier, it will always activate the environment whenever you cd
  • The application is now running on localhost, copy the URL displayed in your terminal where the app is running and proceed to making requests and exploring the application


Thurs far, no user interface has been developed for the application, hence it can be accessed through a number of http clients like cURL, postman, HTTPie, etc. cURL and HTTPie are command line clients while postman is a GUI client. Attention is given here to postman, but feel free to explore other options

Set up the http client

cURL and HTTPie: Checkout cURL and HTTPie installation documentation and usage or from any suitable sources

postman: Download and install postman here.

Making requests with postman
  • In the main view pane, click on headers and enter the key content-type and value application/json
  • In the address bar enter the URL for the request you want to make, see Features for reference.
  • Select the method from button left of address bar
  • If a post/patch request, click on body and select the raw radio
  • Enter your request data in a json dictionary of format {"key": "value"}
  • Hit send and wait for the response


A great deal of indebtedness to Andela Uganda for providing not only an opportunity to explore and exploit talent, but also the environment, resources and nurturing

A lot of contribution and mentoring from the learning facilitators at the Andela Level-up program is plainly unequaled in the realization of this product to this stage, especially the patience and understanding the facilitators unceasingly exercised


Code on github: [https://github.com/Anguandia/app-ireporter]

Heroku link: [https://fast-ravine-44023.herokuapp.com/]

Pivotal tracker: [https://www.pivotaltracker.com/n/projects/2232384] Contains the project plan, implementation and management details

Documentation: [https://app.swaggerhub.com/apis/Anguandia/default-title/1#] Technical documentation of application detailing usage, parameters, expected behavior, requests and responses, etc.

Licencing: GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE Version 3, 29 June 2007