Digital Contact Tracing Protocol using UDP broadcasts

Primary LanguagePython


Digital Contact Tracing Protocol using UDP/TCP.


DIMY Protocol Overview

Implementation Details

  • For ECHD generation the library sslcrypto is used
    • The extra bit flag from the generation of the 16 byte public key is discarded before transmission
  • All hashing is done using the murmurhash3 hash algorithm


  1. Run pip3 install -r requirments.txt
  2. Since our broadcast address is not working you will need to edit the BROADCAST_IP feild in Network.py on both clients to be the others IP
  3. Run python3 Frontend/Dimy.py

Known Issues

  1. For some reason the EphID takes a very longtime to generate around 60% of the time which slows down the whole system
  2. Broadcast address does not work on tested network