My Unity project for a turn-based strategy game. This is an 'open-source' version which has the basic code for the game's core functions.
- aRodriguez96
- Arturony
- brunetsimon
- ChristopherFunkPriceline Partner Solutions
- clarkkiersteadNihil Ad Rem Productions
- DarthLaner
- DominicTjiptono
- dominictwleeLondon, UK
- Duma136
- FilipeRSantos
- GoncalomPortugal
- gowinder
- hallmluke
- hardtogetA
- iamrajajamalJ-Axis
- icebamboo97Chongqing,China
- imwangjiThoughtworks
- JiklopoAlmaty, Kazakhstan
- JunhaoHuang0615
- kuroOwO
- larsonjjChicago
- LawrenceHanShanghai-China
- lettuceman4
- LongChauVNG
- maplelinyuan
- netoncn
- osssx
- q01201203
- Raikir-i-shKathmandu, Nepal
- retters
- sdg9Chicago Suburbs
- SpawnMoreOverlords
- Tutix299
- wuhuolong
- xiaojun1604
- zhongquanchenhuawei