
CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT



CS224n: Natural Language Processing with Deep Learning

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  • python2.7
  • TensorFlow r1.2

Directory Introduction

  • notes includes the slides for CS224N and my notes.
  • ResearchHighlights includes some notes of research highlight in CS224N.
  • Assignments includes the code of assignment.

Learning Sequence

Title Notes Slide
1 Lecture1 Introduction Lecture 1: Introduction
2 Lecture2 Word Vectors Lecture 2: Word Vectors
3 Research Highlights1 Sentence2vec
4 Lecture3 More Word Vectors Lecture 3: More Word Vectors
5 Research Highlights2 Sentence2vec
6 Lecture4 Word Window Classification & Neural Networks Lecture 4: Word Window Classification & Neural Networks
7 Lecture5 Backpropagation Lecture 5: Backpropagation
8 Research Highlights3 Efficient Text Classification
9 Lecture6 Dependency Parsing Lecture 6: Dependency Parsing
10 Research Highlights4 Improving Distributional Similarity With Word Embeddings
11 Assignment1 assignment1 CS224n Assignment1
12 Lecture7 Tensorflow Introduction Lecture 7:Tensorflow Introduction
13 Research Highlights5 Visual Dialog
14 Lecture8 Recurrent Neural Networks Lecture 8:Recurrent Neural Networks
15 Research Highlights6 Structured Training for Neural Network Transition-Based Parsing
14 Lecture9 Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs Lecture9:Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs
16 Research Highlights7 Builiding Towards Better Language Modeling
17 Assignment2 assignment2 CS224n Assignment2
18 Lecture10 Neural Machine Translation and Models with Attention Lecture10:Machine Translation and Advanced Recurrent LSTMs and GRUs
19 Assignment3 assignment3 CS224n Assignment3
20 Research Highlights8 Gooele's Multilingual Neural Machine Translation System: Enabling Zero-Shot Translarion
21 Lecture11 Lecture 11 Gated Recurrent Units and Further Topics in NMT Lecture11:Lecture 11 Gated Recurrent Units and Further Topics in NMT
22 Research Highlights9 Lip Reading Sentences in the Wild