Shopping App

Getting Started

  • Fork the repo to make it your own copy
  • Install dependencies, npm install
  • In terminal 1: Backend - Start the fake server npm run server or yarn server
  • In terminal 2: Frontend - Start the react app npm start or yarn start


  • The app uses a backend service that is only to be used in development. It uses json-server to create an API with which you can fetch, update, read and create data. To run the fake backend service, run the terminal npm run server.
  • Visit the products endpoint: http://localhost:4000/products
  • Visit the cart endpoint: http://localhost:4000/cart. Also, look at the db.json file to watch the data update as you click the Add to cart found button on each product.
  • To reset the cart back to the original data, run npm run reset


  • uses custom hooks: useProducts and useCart to make data and functions available in the app where needed
  • uses react-router-dom to navigate to different views

Next Features to Add

Cart component

  • display all the products added and their quantity
  • function to increase the product quantity
  • function to decrease the product quantity
  • function to remove a product from the cart

Navbar component

  • display the totalCount of cart items in a badge

Product component

  • add new route that is a child of Product list. Url should be http://localhost:4000/products/:id
  • function to display data about one product when you click the product card
  • fetch the product from the server so that the data. You'll need another hook called useParams. It's part of the react-router-dom library. This hook is used to access the :id in the url. Once we have the product id, we can make a GET request to the server to retrieve that one item. Check the json-server docs and the useProducts hook as a guide.


  • display whether or not it exists already in the cart, and if so, how many.
  • Add food category links to ProductList page. It would allow you to filter and display products by categories, like: vegan or dessert. Hint: /products/:category.