
Library Management System

Primary LanguageJava


Library Management System

Back-end server for an e-library management application


  • MySQL (Set MySQL password to mysql for user, root);
  • Docker
  • Kubernetes (Optional)

Development environement

  • Initialize the MySQL database with the library.sql file by running mysql -uroot -pmysql -h172.16.238.2 < "library.sql" Run ./gradlew bootRun to run the system on a developement environement.

Production environment

Using docker swarm

  • Run bash start-up.sh to start up the entire library system This script starts MySQL, the server and the User Interfaces using docker swarm

Using Kubernetes

> Run `kubectl apply -f <file>` Subtitude file for the file name.
  • Run the mysql.yml file to start MySQL

  • Run kubectl get services to get the ip address of the MySQL host. Then initialize the database by running

    mysql -uroot -pmysql -h<mysql host IP> < "library.sql"

  • Update the library-server.yml with the new MySQL ip address, then run the library-server.yml file.

  • Run kubectl get services to get the ip address of the server.

  • Use the server's ip address to update the admin panel and web app. Then, rebuild the images and push to docker hub

  • Finally run the library-app.yml and library-admin-app.yml files.

    N.B Make sure you have Kubernetes configured using minikube or you could use Google Container Engine

N.B: In other to update the docker images, re-build the admin panel and web app using Docker. Push the images to docker hub then, update the images in the docker-compose file.