📑 Content
##Introduction about project
Cosmos English is the website that helps people cultivate speaking communication skill and pronounce as an native speaker
- Contribution sentence and word by user.
- Click to listening the word or sentence in the application.
- Learning International Phonetic Alphabet.
- 1000+ sentence of communication.
- Cosmos Dictionary.
- Irregular verb.
Backend, Database
- Nodejs, ExpressJS, RESTFul APIs.
- MongoDB, MongooseJS.
- ReactJS, React Hook, Material UI Library.
- Axios RESTFul API, query string.
- React Hook Form, Yup.
- Redux, react-redux, Reudx-toolkit.
Storage, Hosting, Cloud:
- Cloudinary.
- Mongodb Atlas.
- Heroku Hosting.
- Vercel Hosting.
- Clone project
git clone https://github.com/AnhNguyen2580/Final
- Setting library in Backend, Frontend
npm install (hoặc yarn install)
- How to run project
cd backend
npm run dev
cd frontend
npm start