Project Ecommerce_Store

+The project is coded according to the idea of an e-commerce store
+built according to the cleave architecture design pattern
+and the project is made by 4 members


1. Customer

-This is the default role for all signed-in users. You can browse products, add them to your cart, place orders, and transfer money.

Customer (No login) Functions

 a. **ViewAllListProduct()**
      - Description: Displays a list of all available products.
 b. **ViewDetailsProduct()**
    - Description: Allows customers to view detailed information about a specific product.
 c. **ViewProductsAreAvailableAtTheBranch()**
    - Description: Shows a list of products that are currently available at a specific branch.
 d. **SearchProduct()**
    - Description: Enables customers to search for a specific product using keywords.
 e. **SearchByCategory()**
    - Description: Allows customers to filter products by category for easier navigation.
 f. **Filter()**
    - Description: Search by options of customers to filter products based on various criteria such as price, brand, etc.
 g. **Login()**
    - Description: Allows customers to log in to their accounts.
 j. **Register()**
      - Description: Allows new customers to create an account.

Customer (Login) Functions

  a. CRUD Profile Customer
      -UpdateProfile():** Allows customers to update their profile information.     
      -ViewProfile():** Displays the customer's profile information.

  b. CRUD Cart
    - UpdateCart(): Allows customers to update the number of products in their shopping cart.
    - CreateCart(): Enables customers to create a new shopping cart.
    - DeleteProduct(): Allows customers to remove a product from their shopping cart.

  c. ViewOrder()
    Description: Displays a list of customer orders.
       - ViewOrderByMoney(): Provides a view of orders based on the total amount spent.
       - ViewOrderByDate(): Displays orders sorted by date.

  d. Rating()
    Description: Enables customers to rate products they have purchased.

  h. Comment()
    Description: Allows customers to leave comments or feedback on products or the overall shopping experience.

  j. Logout()
    Description: Logs the customer out of their account.

2. Store Owner:

-This role is assigned to users who are storekeepers. You can do everything that a Store Employee can do, plus You can add, update, and remove your products, store employees, and revenue statistics of your store.

Store Owner Functions

 a. Manage Products
    - **AddProduct():** Allows the store owner to add a new product to the inventory.
    - **UpdateProduct():** Enables the store owner to modify details of an existing product.
    - **RemoveProduct:** Allows the store owner to remove a product from the inventory.

b. Manage Orders
    - **ViewOrders():** Displays a list of all customer orders.
    - **ProcessOrders():** Allows the store owner to process and fulfill customer orders.
    - **ManageReturns():** Handles returns and exchanges from customers.

f. Customer Support
    - **RespondToInquiries():** Handles customer inquiries and provides support.

3. Super Admin:

-This role is assigned to users who have full control over the app. You can do everything that an Admin can do, plus you can view, add, or remove Admin Role or Store Owner, Store Employee.

Super Admin Functions

 a. User Management
    - **CreateUser():** Allows the super admin to create new user accounts.
    - **UpdateUser():** Enables modifications to user account details.
    - **DeleteUser():** Permits the removal of user accounts from the system.

  b. Role Management
    - **CreateRole():** Provides the ability to create new roles for different levels of access.
    - **UpdateRole():** Allows modifications to the permissions and attributes of existing roles.
    - **DeleteRole():** Permits the removal of roles from the system.
 c. **CreateDiscounts():** Allows the store owner to create special discounts for products.