Zugzwang Game

Actix Rust + SSR + React + Wasm

What is that?

A web fullstack strategy game project made of:

  • zzg, a Rust library which aims to implement game logic and AI
  • web/client, a web frontend for the game
    • Typescript React app bundled with Webpack
    • amazing styles with Tailwindcss V3
    • can be server-side rendered by running web/client/src/ssr.tsx and serving the string result
    • the server-side rendered page is then hydrated in the browser by calling web/client/src/index.tsx
    • Webpack can also run a no-ssr dev version with fast hot-reload
    • the web app can call zzg_wasm a rust wasm library which consists of wasm bindings of zzg. It is currently injected in web/client/src/index.tsx to avoid using it in SSR because rust_ssr does not support WASM
  • web, an actix-rs http server
    • does server-side rendering of web/client using ssr_rs which internally uses rusty_V8 a Rust implementation of the V8 Javascript engine
    • serves static assets and bundled wasm from web/build
    • aims to be the backend of the game (player accounts, leaderboards, multiplayer...)


  • Install ./scripts/install.sh
  • Watch and serve w/o ssr (fast reload) ./scripts/dev_front.sh
  • Watch and serve w/ ssr (slow reload) ./scripts/dev_ssr.sh
  • Run in production ./scripts/run.sh


  • Replace Webpack with Parcel once Tailwind v3 works properly with it again
  • Dig rust_ssr and rusty_V8 to find ways of calling WASM in the server-side rendered page


The web and web/client parts are heavily based on the Reactix repository by Valerio Ageno