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Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Welcome to AnikCandian/code! This is where I will attempt to construct my own coding language of which I am going to call Scribble.

The Vision for Scribble

When Scribble is done, Scribble would be a dynamic typing coding language, incorporating both readability and performance. Its usage could be versatile; from making a regular old calculator program to running a server.

A "Hello World!" Program

output("Hello World!") /-- output() == print()

Hello World!

Functions, Variables, Concatenation and Arithmetic

new function add(x, y){
  return x+y

new function subtract(x, y) {
  return x-y

new a: 1
new b: -1

new c: add(a, b)
new d: subtract(a, b)

output(string(c) + " is the sum of " + a + " and " + b) /-- Concatenation can be made with non-strings; nonstrings get converted (though there are exceptions)
output(string(d) + " is the difference of " + a + " and " + b)

0 is the sum of 1 and -1 2 is the difference of 1 and -1


  • Finish Scribble
    • Plan the syntax and the overall structure of Scribble
    • Create a lexer and a parser in Lua
      • Lexer
        • Make tokens
        • Recognize numbers and ids
        • Recognize strings and booleans
      • Parser