
I have created a model which does exploratory data analysis on a terrorism dataset . Dataset can be found at "https://bit.ly/2TK5Xn5".

Steps to train a model:

Firstly, import the libraries which we will be needed in this task i.e pandas, numpy, matlplot and sklearn Import the dataset in the module. Check the dimensions and also check whehter any null value present or not. Keeping only necessary data and the remaining data is dropped. So the following analysis to be done on the necessary data:

  1. Number of Terrorist Activities by Year
  2. Attack Types by Terrorist
  3. Popular Targets of Terrorist
  4. Number of Terrorist activities by Region
  5. Terrorist Activities by Region each year
  6. Top Countries Affected
  7. Number of Attacks and Number of People Killed
  8. Terrorist Organisation with Highest Terror Attacks