
Extract the unstructured or structured data from the websites and stored in the preferred format like excel, csv, txt or stored in database. These collected data is used to do the analysis. The Web-scrapping is done by using python

Primary LanguagePython


What is Web Scraping?

Web scraping is a technique to automate the extraction process of a large amount of data from the website. The data present on the websites will be in unstructured format but with the help of Web scraping, you can scrape, access, and store the data in a much more structured and clean format for your further analysis.

How to perform Web scraping in Python?

Before proceeding we need check the policies of the website and take necessary permissions to perform web-scrapping. some websites allow web-scrapping some don't. you are the sole responsible for after effects be ethical do not misue the knowledge you have

Steps to Scrape Flipkart Data using Python:

Install the necessary libraries like Beautiful Soup, pandas and Requests

import bs4

from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as bs

import requests

import pandas as pd

If you have not already installed the above libraries use:

pip install bs4

pip install requests

pip install pandas