
Primary LanguageRustMIT LicenseMIT

Simple Regex Library

A simple Rust library for building regular expressions.


  • Expressive Builder Pattern: Easily construct regular expressions using a chainable builder pattern.
  • Concise API: The API is designed to be concise and intuitive, making it easy to build complex regex patterns.
  • Modifier Support: Add modifiers like case-insensitive, global search, multiline, and dot-all to your regex patterns.
  • Quantifiers: Use quantifiers like zero or more, one or more, zero or one, exact repetitions, minimum repetitions, and range repetitions.
  • Ansi Formatting: Includes an ANSI formatting module for adding color to terminal output.

ANSI Module


  • fg_black(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with black foreground color.
  • fg_red(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with red foreground color.
  • fg_green(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with green foreground color.
  • fg_yellow(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with yellow foreground color.
  • fg_blue(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with blue foreground color.
  • fg_purple(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with purple foreground color.
  • fg_cyan(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with cyan foreground color.
  • fg_white(text: String) -> String: Formats the given text with white foreground color.

RegexBuilder Struct

Builder for constructing regular expressions.


Function Description Example Result
new() -> Self Creates a new instance of RegexBuilder. RegexBuilder::new() RegexBuilder instance
literal(char) -> Self Appends a literal character to the regex. .literal('a') "\a"
string(char) -> Self Appends a string to the regex. .string("word") "word"
dot() -> Self Appends a dot (.) to the regex, matching any single character. .dot() "."
escape(char) -> Self Appends an escaped character to the regex. .escape('[') "\["
start_of_line() -> Self Appends the start of line anchor (^) to the regex. .start_of_line() "^"
end_of_line() -> Self Appends the end of line anchor ($) to the regex. .end_of_line() "$"
character_class(chars: &str) -> Self Appends a character class to the regex. .character_class("abc") "[abc]"
negated_character_class(chars: &str) -> Self Appends a negated character class to the regex. .negated_character_class("abc") "[^abc]"
range_character_class(start: char, end: char) -> Self Appends a range character class to the regex. .range_character_class('a', 'z') "[a-z]"
digit() -> Self Appends a digit character class to the regex. .digit() "\d"
non_digit() -> Self Appends a non-digit character class to the regex. .non_digit() "\D"
word_character() -> Self Appends a word character class to the regex. .word_character() "\w"
non_word_character() -> Self Appends a non-word character class to the regex. .non_word_character() "\W"
whitespace() -> Self Appends a whitespace character class to the regex. .whitespace() "\s"
non_whitespace() -> Self Appends a non-whitespace character class to the regex. .non_whitespace() "\S"
zero_or_more(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a zero or more quantifier to the regex. .zero_or_more(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "[a]*"
one_or_more(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a one or more quantifier to the regex. .one_or_more(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "[a]+"
zero_or_one(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a zero or one quantifier to the regex. .zero_or_one(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "[a]?"
exact_repetitions(regex: RegexBuilder, n: usize) -> Self Appends an exact repetitions quantifier to the regex. .exact_repetitions(RegexBuilder::new().digit(), 3) "\d{3}"
min_repetitions(regex: RegexBuilder, n: usize) -> Self Appends a minimum repetitions quantifier to the regex. .min_repetitions(RegexBuilder::new().digit(), 3) "\d{3,}"
range_repetitions(regex: RegexBuilder, n: usize, m: usize) -> Self Appends a range repetitions quantifier to the regex. .range_repetitions(RegexBuilder::new().digit(), 3, 5) "\d{3,5}"
group(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a group to the regex. .group(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("ab")) "(?:[ab])"
backreference(group_number: usize) -> Self Appends a backreference to a capturing group in the regex. .backreference(1) "\1"
word_boundary() -> Self Appends a word boundary anchor (\b) to the regex. .word_boundary() "\b"
non_word_boundary() -> Self Appends a non-word boundary anchor (\B) to the regex. .non_word_boundary() "\B"
case_insensitive(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a case-insensitive modifier to the regex. .case_insensitive(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "(?i[a])"
global_search(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a global search modifier to the regex. .global_search(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "(?g[a])"
multiline(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a multiline modifier to the regex. .multiline(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "(?m[a])"
dot_all(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a dot-all modifier to the regex, allowing '.' to match newline characters. .dot_all(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "(?s[a])"
alternative(regex1: RegexBuilder, regex2: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends an alternative (|) to the regex, allowing either of the provided patterns to match. .alternative(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a"), RegexBuilder::new().character_class("b")) "[a]|[b]"
capturing_group(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends a capturing group to the regex. .capturing_group(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "([a])"
optional(regex: RegexBuilder) -> Self Appends the given pattern to match zero or one time to the regex. .optional(RegexBuilder::new().character_class("a")) "([a])?"
dash_space_character_class() -> Self Appends to the regular expression the character class [-\\s]. .dash_space_character_class() "[-\s]"
to_regex() Converts the current RegexBuilder into a Regex object. "Returns a Result<Regex, regex::Error>."
to_regex_or_panic() Converts the current RegexBuilder into a Regex object or panics if an error occurs. "Returns a Regex object."


To use this library, add the following to your Cargo.toml file:

simple-regex = "1.0.0"


use simple_regex::RegexBuilder;

let regex = RegexBuilder::new().literal('a').build();
assert_eq!(regex, "a");

More examples in https://github.com/Animemchik/simple-regex/tree/main/examples

Please make sure to adjust the version number in the dependency based on the latest release.