
A WebAssembly toy project.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


A WebAssembly toy project.

Implement cryptographic ciphers and use them in a web-app them to encrypt/decrypt simple texts.

Ciphers implemented currently cannot be used to decrypt a given cipher text. Currently only encrypting plain-text and getting back the plain-text works.

Prerequisites: Need a C++11 compliant compiler (and related toolchain) and Emscripten toolchain. You can get the Emscripten toolchain from here.

Building and Running

Developed using MinGW toolchain for native build. For WebAssembly, use emscripten (64-bit).




  1. Activate emscripten
  2. Run:
em++ --bind web-bindings.cpp ciphers.cpp -I. -std=c++11 -Wall -Wextra -pedantic -o ciphers.html

Note: You can specify em++ to either generate only the JS file which loads the WASM module or you can use Emscripten's generated HTML.

  1. Serve the output files and play around with the API in the browser (either Node or Python's http.server module works).

For Python:

python -m http.server --bind


Classes are attached to the Module object. Refer to constructor declarations in ciphers.hpp. To use the classes:

let cipher = new Module.RailFence("come home");
cipher.Encrypt();  // "cm oeoehm"
cipher.Decrypt();  // "come home"


  • Create an interface (probably with Vue.js)
  • Write some tests