
The team notebook to keep all template code and notes in.

Primary LanguageC++


Build Status

The team notebook to keep all template code and notes in.

Notebook Contents

Data Structures

The following data structures are a part of the notebook:

  • AVL Tree
  • Binary Heap
  • Disjoint Set Union Find
  • Convex Hull Trick to Dynamic Programming
  • Segment Tree - Point Update Range Query
  • Segment Tree - Range Update Point Query
  • Segment Tree - Lazy
  • Segment Tree - Implicit with Range Query
  • Segment Tree - Implicit with Point Query
  • Tree (with LCA)
  • Graphs (Bellman Ford, Ford Fulkerson, Dijkstra, Prims, Floyd Warshall, Components)


The following algorithms are a part of the notebook:

  • Knuth Morris Pratt - String Search
  • Centroid Decomposition
  • Heavy Light Decomposition
  • Huffman Tree Encoding
  • Kosaraju's algorithms for Strongly Connected Components