Wings of Fire, the RPG

This is the new location where all releases will be stored. If you already have the game, the game will automagically update! No need to reinstall.

How to get a release


  1. Find the latest binary release (Usually has more than 1 asset in it) and download the exe file.
  2. Run the downloaded file (If prompted with a Windows Defender or other antivirus prompt, simply click "more info" and then "run anyways" (for windows defender). Don't worry... we don't have any malware, I just haven't signed the files yet.)
  3. Follow the prompts
  4. Once the installation is complete, simply run the shortcut on your desktop and enjoy!


(This will be updated once I get a DMG file for the game)

  1. Download the zip file and extract.
  2. Run the .app file thats inside. (If prompted with a security alert, there is a way to allow the game through. See this page for more information.


(This will be updated once I create the installer script for the game)

  1. Download and run the x86_64 file.


Nothing here yet

Run a dedicated server

Nothing here yet